We look forward to your questions and suggestions!

Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found here.
Of course we are also happy to help you personally!

Museum visit
We will answer any questions about your visit under Discover & Experience or send an e-mail to: service@schokoladenmuseum.de

Cooperation and marketing
If you are interested in cooperating with the Chocolate Museum or are looking for support for your project, please contact: marketing@schokoladenmuseum.de

Museum program
If you are interested in our educational programs or our teaching materials, please write to: museumspaedagogik@schokoladenmuseum.de

Press, media, journalists
If you would like to report on the Chocolate Museum and require texts and images for free use, please contact: marketing@schokoladenmuseum.de

The Chocolate Museum
Answers to general questions about the Chocolate Museum as well as information for suppliers and craftsmen can be found at: office@schokoladenmuseum.de

If you are interested in our reseller programs, please contact us at vertrieb@schokoladenmuseum.de
or inform yourself in advance

You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00: Phone: +49 (0)221 – 931 888-0


Das Team

Aiga Müller
Aiga MüllerConfiserie
Andrea Durry
Andrea DurrySammlung | Ausstellung
Anke Voss
Anke VossControlling
Astrid Gebhardt
Astrid GebhardtMarketing
Barbara Kölsch
Barbara KölschPersonal
Céline Boest
Céline BoestBuchhaltung
Eike Zimmermann
Eike ZimmermannSchokoladenfabrik | Gebäudeservice
Frank Renn
Frank RennHaustechnik
Franziska Schubarth
Franziska SchubarthSchokoladenfabrik
Harald Jarosch
Harald JaroschHaustechnik
Jessica Klein
Jessica KleinIT | Datenschutz
Julia Berg-Pfeifer
Julia Berg-PfeiferVerwaltung | Einkauf
Klaus H. Schopen
Klaus H. SchopenMarketing | Kommunikation
Marleen Stanetzky
Marleen StanetzkyRecherche | Ausstellung
Olaf Vortmann
Olaf VortmannMuseumspädagogik
Uwe Read
Uwe ReadProduktionstechnik
Yvonne Arens
Yvonne ArensBesucherservice | Vertrieb